MEDU 9222 COVID-19 Literature Review (virtual)



Harris, Block
Prior approval required.

A team consisting of medical students, a librarian, and a clinical faculty member locate, synthesize, and summarize the current COVID literature in order to provide relevant and useful resources for the WMed community. The librarian searches for the latest published literature and collects relevant articles. The students read, synthesize, and summarize these articles into a more digestible format; currently, students are writing and updating synthesis papers on a variety of topics related to COVID-19, including various drug treatments, other therapeutics, and management. The team also maintains the COVID-19 Developments LibGuide, which contains relevant information on the COVID-19 pandemic, including links to general COVID-19 resources and treatment guidelines, as well as student synthesis papers that are updated as new literature is published. Also included in the guide is a section on COVID-19 Hot Topics, which identifies a COVID-19 topic that is popular in the news or social media.